Before we go on a trip, I still make a list of things I need to bring. You'd think that after almost 38 years of going places, I would have figured out the basics of what I need to bring with when going anywhere -- but I still don't feel right if I haven't made that list. Half the time I end up not needing it anyway, but there's something in my brain that gets triggered when I see things written down. I wish I could say I have a photographic memory, because that would've made nursing school a hell of a lot easier, but alas, I do not.
I'm an incredible list-maker at work, too. I heard somewhere recently that, on average, a nurse has 17 things to get done during her (or his) shift at any given time. If I don't write down as much as possible, I'm going to forget something. I know I still end up forgetting things anyway, but I'm 99% less likely to forget it if I've jotted it down somewhere. There's a reason we nurses refer to shift report sheets as our "brains". (For that reason, don't be scared if you ever hear a nurse say, "I've misplaced my brain!"; it's not an anatomical issue, it's a clipboard issue.) Sometimes I half-jokingly think I should come up with a "brain" for home; I'd probably get a lot more done.
My point with all this rambling is that the list on my monitor is looking pretty messy, which is a good thing! Messy lists mean things have been crossed off. I don't trust a nice, neat list. That's why the one on my monitor has bothered me so much up until the last week or so . . . there were no messy scribbles on it! But now, that's changing. Tomorrow we're going to get our fingerprints done at the county jail, so I will be able to cross that off! And yesterday, we made appointments for our physicals; mine is next Tuesday, DS' is next Thursday and DH's is next Friday. DH and I have forms that need to be completed by our physicians, basically stating that we're healthy, emotionally mature and stable (uh-oh...), and that we have normal life expectancies. We're also required to have some labs done . . . Hgb/Hct, UA, HIV, and a 5 panel drug test (for amphetamines, TCH, cocaine, POP, and opiates). Oh, and a Mantoux skin test (which I have to get every two years [or is it annually? I don't remember!] for work, anyway. So . . . yeah! That will be taken care of next week. The boy isn't required to have a physical, but we do need a note from the doctor stating that he's healthy -- so I made an appointment for him to have a physical, anyway.
On that note . . . I'm off to mow the field, which gives me a lot of time to ponder the deeper topics in life. If only I could blog just by thinking about it . . . hahahaha!
Until next time . . .
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