It's been a crazy week. Last Thursday, I had my gallbladder removed. It had been on strike for quite some time, and fortunately I was able to plan my surgery instead of having it emergently. I don't want to waste time here talking about that, which really doesn't have anything to do with our open adoption journey other than to explain why I haven't blogged or done any work on the portfolio or resume' letter or anything else this past week.
So today, I finally got the dining room table cleared off so I could get all of my portfolio-crafting stuff out and get to work on our portfolios. I quickly discovered that we somehow miscalculated when we bought the cool sparkly letters for the cover page, because we don't have enough to spell out our first names x2. I could have sworn we triple-checked this before we bought them . . . and we even got two packages! I guess we'll have to make a trip back to the Michael's where we got them in the first place, and get another pack. (And I texted DH telling him as much.) No biggie.
So I have one cover page done. Yay! Go, me!!
Then I was going to work on the first photo page inside. Except I need to crop a few (as in, most of the) pictures down, and I don't have a paper cutter. I remember when we were doing the layout, and I thought -- no biggie, I can draw straight lines on the back and cut them that way, it'll be fine! Yeah, right. Now that it comes down to actually doing it, I'm thinking, there's no way I'm trusting my not-so-steady hand to cut a straight line on something this important!! I mean, the likelihood that a birthmom would pass us by because one (or all) of our photos isn't completely square is minimal, I'm sure, but I still don't feel like letting it pass. Did I mention my perfectionist tendencies yet? They haven't been used for a while, but now that they've been dusted off, they're more than ready to strike.
Other than that . . . we went to try to get our fingerprints done yesterday, but the police department was closed. The best part is that they're supposed to be open until 4:30pm, and we were there at 4:05pm. Gotta love living in a small town!! We'll try again today, when DH gets home from work.
Other things left on my to-do list: Get a certified copy of DH's birth certificate (which he will need to do on his way home from work sometime); Get the dogs and cat to the vet (I'll get them in next week, as I get paid on Friday); Get our health records filled out (I'll probably make those appointments next week as well; I wanted to wait until I was "over" my little surgery here first); and Get our well water tested. I think that's it. At least, that's all I can think of for now.
Until next time . . . :)
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