So now, on a nice little pile on the corner of my desk, I have the two portfolios and 10 resume' letters. I don't feel like they should be put out of sight yet. I'm contemplating bringing them to church and asking my friends to help me pray over them -- not so much for us, but for the women whose hands will (hopefully!) be touching them soon. For everyone from the adoption agency workers to the potential birthmothers and everyone involved in this process. This is so much bigger than we can even imagine. It overwhelms me just thinking about it!
I am also able to cross a few things off my "to-do" list this
We got a message from an officer at the police department last week about coming in to get our fingerprints done. I tried calling back this morning, and thus the next game of Phone Tag has begun. Le sigh.
If you don't know me very well, one thing you should know is that I really, really, really, really do NOT like using the telephone. I don't know why, I just don't. I prefer to do business either in person, or via e-mail/text. Maybe because I'm a better writer than a speaker? Whatever. I don't like using the phone and never have. So most of the time, any household business that involves making phone calls goes to DH's "to-do" list. Yeah, well . . . every now and then I have to buckle down and force myself to use that horrid machine, and this morning was one of those times. And whaddya know, I lived to tell about it! ;) So, in about an hour, Magnum has an appointment at the vet for a check-up and shots. And Luger has an appointment on Thursday for a check-up, shots, and . . . . [insert ominous-sounding theme music here] . . . to be neutered!! Being neutered isn't a state requirement, but we're never going to breed him so it's as good of a time as any to just get it done.
One of the couples we went through our classes with has their home visit today! J and T, we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and are so excited for you . . . you're almost to The Waiting Period! Sometimes 16 days seems so very far away, and sometimes it seems like it will be here the next time I blink. I'm not sure which I prefer at this point. :)
Well, I suppose I should gather the mutt and get him ready for his big excursion to the v-e-t. And then come back home and not look at the portfolios anymore, heh heh heh. Thanks again for being part of this journey with us.
Until next time . . .
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, I include you, your family and the other couples in my daily prayers and thoughts also; and the birthmothers that are out there waiting for us to get our ducks in a row. we are about 50 minutes away from our visit, I'll, you all later and let you know how it went and what to expect.
I love sharing this with you through your writing. You always make me smile. AND, I would be happy to pray over your letters any time, and, I DO from here!