Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Must paint all the things!

So, now that the inspections have been done and the applications have been approved and we're basically just sitting around waiting for the closing date to get here*, I've finally allowed myself to start thinking about how the heck to decorate the new place.  I know I mentioned this earlier, at least in that I was thinking about where to put things, but that's not decorating; that's organizing.

* Actually, we're waiting for the sellers to find a new place to buy so we can actually close on our designated closing date, but that's a whole 'nother story for another time!!

I'm talking about the fact that we're leaving most of our existing furniture in it's current location when we move.  So the decorating I've been contemplating is something I really haven't ever had to consider before: decorating from scratch.  I've already mentioned how much I love furniture shopping...ugh.  So the thought of starting over with new furniture is...well, on one hand it actually is kind of fun and exciting. But mostly it sounds like a huge pain in the butt because there are so many things to consider!  For crying out loud, I just spent a whole frickin' summer trying to find a property that met three basic criteria, and that just about did me in; now I have to shop for huge, expensive things that  A) look good, B) are comfortable, C) are durable, D) will fit in the house, size-wise, E) will fit in the house, décor-wise, F) will fit in the house, budget-wise, and G) is something that both the hubby and I agree on in the looking-good and being comfortable departments?

This is the definition of a herculean task.  

However, thanks to the likes of apps such as Pinterest, Craigslist, and FB Marketplace, and even Zillow, I'm thrilled to be able to look at the options that are out there without having to spend hours driving around from one furniture place to the next.  I know eventually we'll have to go look at stuff in person, because there's still only one way to find out if a couch is comfortable or not, but until then, looking at stuff online will suffice nicely.

There is one insuppressible urge I've had since the dust has settled and I've moved from "oh my gosh I can't believe we're going to move" mode into "holy crap we're going to move, I better figure out how to set up this new place!" mode: I keep looking at old furniture and wanting to paint it.

There's a fine line, though, that's hard to explain.  See, I do love and appreciate antique furniture.  We have looked at a couple of beautiful bedroom sets as ideas for the new place, and for something like that, there is no way I would ruin something like that with a "shabby chic" paint job.  And old hutches and secretaries and desks and such, there are some really beautiful and interesting pieces out there that I would love to get for the new place as well -- pieces I have always admired and wished I'd had room for that I will now have room for.  And in the same vein, I've always wanted to take old furniture and give it new life with a pop of color or something.  Not even antique furniture, though, perhaps just a small side table or dresser or something.  

The problem right now is, well the main problem right now is that we don't have anywhere to keep more furniture if we do find something we like, so we literally are just looking for ideas at the moment. Neither one of us wishes to move things more than we have to, so we're fine with waiting until we can move whatever we decide to get directly to the new place instead of bringing it here and then moving it there.  Besides, like I said, there's no room "here" to keep extra furniture right now.  ANYWAY, the problem I'm having right now is that I want to paint all the things. Every shelf or desk or dresser I see for sale, if it's not super nice the way it is or if it's not quite exactly what I want, I imagine that I could make it so much better with some paint.  I mean, have you been to any boutique or gift shop or craft sale market type place lately?  Or on Pinterest? ;)  People are taking random, ordinary, boring furniture and painting it and it looks oh my gosh so cute!!  I could do that!  I could make oh my gosh so cute furniture for our new home, or I could even make it to sell (to buy other oh my gosh so cute things for our new home, perhaps).  It would be so easy!  I might just have to do it.

Alright, alright.  I can't do it right now, because right now my lunch break is over and I have to get back to work. So I can make money to pay for my new home and all the things we need to put into it, whether cute or not.  ;)  Thanks for reading today's Thought Dump... the tiny bit of space I cleared out by writing this is already filled up with more images of cute turquoise and white shelves for my new home office, to go with the cute L-shaped farmhouse desk I have in mind, but I shouldn't be thinking of that yet when we don't even have living room furniture picked out yet, or a bedroom set...and there's still so much packing to be done, even without bringing most of the furniture....UGH!

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