And I'm not just saying that as the self-proclaimed Queen of the Man Cold, either. I'm saying it as an otherwise-healthy adult woman with no underlying co-morbid conditions that should have made this any worse for me.
I actually did think I was doing better the last time I wrote about this. Then that night, I don't know what happened, but my fever jumped up to 101.2 and stayed there all night, and I felt like I was going through Day One again -- all-over body aching, incredibly tired and just run down, and so much headache and coughing. I lost my appetite (and my sense of taste and smell are gone, it's very hard to eat when you can't taste or smell anything, oddly enough...)
Oh my gosh, you guys, the coughing attacks were horrible. Every day, at least once a day but often twice or three times per day, depending on what I was trying to do, I would go into these coughing fits that felt like they were honestly going to kill me. I wasn't coughing anything up at all but it was like my body wasn't getting that message and was just going to keep coughing harder and harder regardless. Then I wouldn't be able to catch my breath and that would make cough even more, and all I could do was just try to gasp for breath and pray for it to be over soon. The coughing episode, the painful bronchospasms, or life, whichever ending would bring the fastest relief.
The fevers were bad, too. You know, in the past when I'd have a fever, I'd know it because I would be super cold. Like, even a fever of 100 would make me feel so cold that all I'd want to do was curl up under 3 or 4 winter blankets, fully-dressed with at least a t-shirt and a sweatshirt and leggings and socks (and I never wear socks to bed unless I'm sick!) and stay cocooned there until I stopped shivering. With this stupid virus, it's like my body wasn't even trying to fight the fever. I wouldn't feel cold like I did in the past, I would just feel "normal" or whatever, and then I'd check my temp and it would be 101, 102, 103... and it would keep going up throughout the day no matter what I did.
I couldn't sleep because I was afraid of doing anything to bring on another coughing fit. I've spent most of the last week or so literally just lying there not doing anything but praying. If I did fall asleep, I'd forget that I wasn't supposed to move so I'd go to turn or something and start another coughing fit, and/or wake up in a pool of my own sweat, dizzy and lightheaded. I'm not trying to make this sound over-dramatic, this is literally what my last week has been like. This was WITH the vaccination. I hate to think what it would have been like without it.
I started this entry yesterday. Yesterday I worked from home for the first time in about a week. I think I made it about 5 hours. Today I'm working from home as well, and it's going a little better, but my head is so full of cotton today that I can barely think straight. I know it's not really cotton, but it sure feels like it. I feel like I'm moving in slow motion (sorry, co-workers!).
In other news, there's still drama going on with our scheduled closing in a few weeks, but I won't share all of that here. I'll just say that people don't surprise me anymore. Which is really sad. People and their craziness. I'd love to lay the whole story out here but I'm not going to, because one thing I've learned from living in a small town for almost 20 years is that everybody knows somebody, and there's probably somebody on my FB friends list who somehow knows the people whose place we're buying, and at this point I just want this transaction to be completed and done with so we can all go about our merry little ways.
Still looking forward to the move, though! I was hoping to get some packing done while being on isolation, but that hasn't happened. Hopefully this weekend I can pull myself together and get some things done around the house - some cleaning, some organizing, some packing... I'm so tired of having no energy to do anything. At least I can move around without spurring on a coughing attack today!
Alright, speaking of which, I need to get back to work. Have a great day and stay away from COVID!!
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