Sunday, October 3, 2021

I know things will happen in God's time, not mine. But...

 ...I'm getting a little restless!

Don't worry, I'm fine. I know better than to wish time away.  There's a lot to get done in the next six weeks or so, and since we said we'd be flexible on the closing date to allow the sellers to find a new place, it'll likely be longer than six weeks, anyway.  

I'm just a little concerned because, in a very unusual move for me, I'm actually looking forward to decorating.  I have themes picked out for two of the bathrooms. Ideas in mind for the office and the bedrooms, and the garage, and the yard. I'm finally allowing myself to picture where I'm going to put things. Not just the big things, like the couch and the TV and the bed, but the little things like the cleaning supplies and the shoes and the dog food.  You know, the things you don't normally think about putting away until you realize you have to put them away, and since you're starting from scratch, you want to make sure you put them away in the best place the first time.  Because where the current resident has them might not be the best place, right?  I don't even remember where they had cleaning supplies. I don't know exactly where I want them.  In the laundry room/entryway because then they won't be near food and having everything right there makes sense?  In the bathrooms because that's where I have most of the cleaning supplies now so that makes sense to me, even though the reason I have them there now is mostly because we have other stuff in the entryway (mostly overflow from the kitchen and random stuff that would be better in the garage) and because right now we don't have a linen closet?  Also, we do have a "pantry" in the new place but it's at the end of the hallway, away from the kitchen, next to the entryway and the bathroom; maybe that would be a better place for cleaning supplies, and paper products and such.

I just want the new place to be organized.  Well, not "just" as in the only thing I want, but it's an important factor, for sure.

I wish I could share pictures, but I'm too superstitious to do that yet.  On paper, the deal is almost as close to being done as it can be without being done; I think there is one type of inspection that needs to be done that is supposed to be done this coming week, and we need to decide get our homeowner's insurance set up, and then we just wait for the closing.  We have a date for the closing, like I've already said, and said we'd be flexible, but we do have a date in writing.  I'm too superstitious to share that date here yet, too, other than to say it's in the middle of November.  :D

In the meantime, I've been all over Pinterest looking for decorating ideas.  This weekend we picked up some totes to start packing, and the hubby has so far filled up 6 totes full of Hot Wheels cars.  I take that back -- six totes full of Hot Wheels Volkswagens.  And he says he can probably fill four more totes. Of Hot Wheels Volkswagens.  You know those little cars they sell at Wal-Mart and Target for like 99 cents (or are they up to $1.99 now? I don't pay attention to these things.)? Yeah, those.  Ten totes of those.  Of just the Volkswagens.  That's not counting the non-Volkswagens.  There will be a lot of those, too.  And the non-Hot Wheels Volkswagens.  I don't know where these are going to go yet. 

That's another problem with having hobbies in common with your spouse, ha ha ha.  I'm not the kind of wife who is going to tell him he can't put them back up in the new house.  He's the one who said he's going to put them in storage for a while until he decides how to display them.  I have my own collection of car stuff to worry about!  Not nearly as big as that -- I'm pretty sure my Maverick and Maverick accessories collection will fit in one tote, maybe two.  Unless you count the actual Maverick itself... which is arguably smaller than 10 Tough Totes :D *ahem* Anyway, my point is that, we have a lot of stuff, and we know it, but we both have the same vision in mind for how we want our new place to look.  We don't want it to be jam-packed with stuff.  And honestly, even if we were taking all of our stuff with us, it wouldn't be, because the new place is about twice the size of our current place.  I guess what I'm trying to say is we both want the new place to be organized, and not jam-packed, and comfortable, and still "us".  

I have never looked forward to shopping for furniture before.  In fact, I'd usually rather watch grass grow than shop for furniture.  It's just so incredibly boring!  And so hard to find something we both like.  I don't know about you, but I can never decide if everything is comfortable or nothing is comfortable when "trying out" furniture in a showroom.  Especially couches.  Is that an anxiety thing? The way I sit on a couch in a showroom is nothing at all how I'll sit on it at home.  At home I'll be lying down, or cross-legged, or lounging, with my dog next to me, and a blanket, etc.  Maybe this time I should just go to the furniture store in my leggings and oversized sweatshirt, with my hair in a messy bun, wearing my slippers, with my favorite water bottle in one hand and my phone in the other, and a favorite blanket, and plan on spending at least half an hour on the end of each potential couch playing on Facebook or playing video games so I can see if the furniture being considered is REALLY comfortable or not.  Or I should show up on a day when I'm feeling like crap and see if I can get comfortable enough to spend half a day not moving on it, watching TV, with my dog curled up next to me.  See?  Sitting down on a couch politely for 10 seconds with everyone watching you expectantly to find out if you think it's comfortable or not is simply not sufficient to judge a piece of furniture that is going to become a major fixture in your life.  Not when you're also trying to picture whether the style is something you can deal with looking at everyday for the next 5-10 years (hopefully!) or so, whether it fits in with your vision for your home, whether there is a whole ensemble that comes with it or not, how much it costs, and -- my personal favorite -- how many other people have tried it out before you, and what kind of germs they have left behind.  😷😷😷  (And that was me before COVID, too, people.)

But now, I almost am.  Looking forward to shopping for new living room furniture.  We've always had this certain style in mind that we've always said we wanted to get someday.  But now I'm not sure if it will fit with the look in the house.  And, we almost have two living rooms to furnish, because we have a nice finished basement, too, with a gas fireplace that would be awesome to sit by.  

A big part of my problem is that I don't have the ability to picture what other furniture would look like in a room.  Even if I know what the room looks like. I've never been able to do that.  I have an image of what a room looks like in my mind, and I can't, like, take out one piece and replace it with another hypothetical piece and have an accurate picture of what it would look like.  And I generally consider myself someone with a pretty good imagination, at least I used to...but I can't do that, and the more someone tries to describe to me what it would look like, the more frustrated I get because I just can't picture it any other way than how it actually is.

Anyway, yeah. Shopping. I really want to find some tables or desks or something at, like, thrift stores or garage sales or something that I can paint and make instantly cute.  But not too cute.  Cozy.  But also useful.  

But first...more sorting, packing, and cleaning.  I forsee a lot of this in my future!  On that note, I'm signing off for now. TTYL!

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