The contents of this blog, such as text, graphics, images, and other material, are provided for amusement only. Anything written or implied here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.I suppose I need a new hobby.
Not really, though, (she writes, while seated next to The Cart of Scrap Yarn and Yarn for Current Projects, in name only since it also contains various crochet hooks and patterns and other craft-related things like pens and paper and lip balm and lotion and phone chargers and...etc).
By the time we had an offer accepted on a house, I think I had subscribed to about 10 different email lists, and had about 6 different apps on my phone that I checked on a regular basis (read: several times a day). This, I now realize, was overkill; the lists were eventually duplicated, as I'm sure you can imagine. But it wasn't about finding the listing that no one else had (okay, maybe on some level it was, but that wasn't realistically going to happen!). It was about finding it first. Actually, at first it was about the cross-referencing, to find out if a place had an offer on it or not. There were a handful of places we looked at online that we liked, that we hemmed and hawed over and when we finally asked our realtor about it, we were told they'd already had offers accepted. I may have written about this in previous entries, ha, ha. So looking up the same property on different sites was my way of checking to see if any other sites had it listed as Contingent or Pending, or if one site had info or pics on it that the others didn't.
It's been about three weeks (I think?) since our offer was accepted, and I believe I have finally unsubscribed from all of the email lists, removed myself from all of the FB groups, and deleted almost all of the apps from my phone.
Yes, I said "almost all". There's one I just can't seem to delete yet. I'm not going to name the app, because the point of this isn't to give them free advertising (especially since I never did figure out which app had the most reliable information all the time...) Part of the reason I haven't deleted it is because, you know, just in case. Perhaps the day we sign the paperwork and are given the keys and can walk onto the property and into the house unassisted by any realtor, I might consider deleting the app.
But, honestly? It's still kind of fun to look. Online only.
Until very recently, I was honestly afraid to look online again. Afraid of what? Afraid that a better place would come up for sale. The last thing I wanted to tempt was buyer's regret. Even though I was pretty sure it wouldn't happen, I still didn't want to know if it did. However, curiosity eventually got the best of me, and I pulled up the ol' search queries and looked through the lists again.
OK, I'm slightly exaggerating. I have been checking part of the app frequently -- the "saved homes" section. I'd deleted all of the other listings except "ours". Because of the kind of person I am, I needed to see that "Active" status change to "Contingent" on that particular listing.
It hasn't. Not on this particular app. And yes, I checked a few of the others to make sure. Because of the kind of person I am. The kind who likes to see things in print, apparently.
Which is fine; I mean, like all things online, we know the truth so what does it really matter? We have the purchase agreement and the appraisals and the mortgage paperwork and everything coming together with our names and that address on it, and that app just uses information it pulls from other apps anyway, so, you know, not tres reliable. (Sorry, I'm on the laptop and don't feel like looking up how to do the accent on tres. And I'm not going to go back and fix it, either.)
But what semi-annoys me is that the number of "saves" for that particular listing keeps going up. Um, people? Go away. Taken! Not available! Do NOT save this listing, do NOT click there to contact an agent for a showing, because it ain't gonna happen. Don't save my house listing. Quit looking at that house and picturing your furniture there. Do NOT imagine yourself soaking peacefully in the soaker tub (or whatever it's called) in the master bathroom, because the next ass soaking in there is going to be MINE. (Perhaps not, IDK. Maybe the current residents use it every day. Cut me some slack.) Don't look it up on Google Maps and whatever you do, do NOT drive by and see if you'd like the drive, the area, or the looks of the house from what you can see from the road (which isn't much). Just stop it! Go look elsewhere! Despite the fact that there's no "SOLD" sign on that sign at the end of the driveway, this one is taken thankyouverymuch!
I know, I know; it's probably another form of the "just in case" clause, along with not having the time or staff to go put "SOLD" (or "PENDING") signs on the sign at the end of the driveway. I'm not filing an official complaint, just putting a minor annoyance into words for amusement only. I don't remember how much time there was between accepting the offer and closing on our previous homes; maybe it was longer than this, and I'm just more impatient with it this time. Or maybe I'm just singling out specific things to vent about because I can.
Anyway...we almost have a closing date! We have it narrowed down to a specific time (date) frame, and based on that, it will be before December 1st. It's a long story that I don't feel like retelling right now. Let me just say that, if you ever plan on selling your place, please do some homework beforehand and have an idea about what you're going to do when your place sells. M-kay?
At any rate, I hope to be able to share pics soon!!
In other news, that I may or may not purposely have saved for the end of this entry, COVID has entered our house. Last Wednesday (a week ago), the boy stayed home from work with a fever and some other symptoms, and then went for a swab test per his employer's COVID screening guidelines. On Friday, he got the results back - positive! UGH.
So, the hubby and I went and got tested on Friday. We were "kinda" symptomatic -- I mean, so many COVID symptoms are the same as allergy symptoms, and given that we could now check the "Have you been exposed to someone with COVID-19" criteria, we figured, why not?! Our tests came back negative.
And then, on Sunday morning, I felt like I got hit by a truck. I don't even feel like recounting all of that right now. Long story short: went in for a swab test on Monday, got the results early this morning. Positive. Today is my 4th day of running a fever, and I still feel like I got hit by a truck. The headache isn't as bad as it was the first day, but it still comes back every now and then and lands me flat on my ass. My neck hurts. My hip bones hurt and my knees hurt and my long bones hurt and when I start coughing, everything hurts even more. Nothing tastes right. I haven't completely lost my sense of taste, but have lost most of it. I can't sleep. I can lie down and do nothing, but I'm not tired. Not sleepy. I can't get comfortable enough to fall asleep, or I'm too hot, or too cold, or I start coughing if I move.
So, yeah. We're statistics now, my son and I. We both got vaccinated with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine at the end of March, and now, we both have COVID. So far -- KNOCK ON WOOD!!! -- the hubby is feeling fine and not showing any symptoms. I really, really, REALLY hope he doesn't get it. He got the same vaccination that we did. I always thought that maybe I had the stronger immune system since I'm, you know, a nurse and all...but I'm not a frontline nurse. I don't actually deal with patients who are acutely ill with viral illnesses anymore. I've been social distancing, masking, washing my hands, staying out of public places a lot of times, etc. just like everyone else the last year and a half or whatever it's been; I guess it makes sense that my immunity is down.
Oh yeah. Another annoying thing is that I get winded easily now, and I also get light-headed easily. Earlier today I was trying to clean up the mess that has become the dining room table (I saw a thing recently on the interwebs that some tables are like junk drawers with no cover, and ours totally is right now. The biggest catch-all in the house!) and I was standing up for maybe, IDK, five minutes? And then I took a step away from the table at which I was standing, and felt all kinds of woozy. No bueno. I've been trying to be a good patient and drink water whenever I'm awake and upright, and rest as much as possible, but man...this sucks.
And now I'm just whiny and blabbering. This is worse than the flu. I'm glad I had the vaccine, though, because it could have been so much worse, had this happened a year ago.
Here's one last tip before I sign off: if you get COVID, don't watch/read/listen to the news for a few days, because there are way too many stories on the news about COVID. Colin Powell died from complications of COVID this week, for example. (He had other health issues, too, but that doesn't always occur to you when you feel like crap.) People are dying from this virus everyday, and now my son and I have it, and that's just a little frightening on some level. So if you get COVID, don't think about anything, either.