Wednesday, September 19, 2012

GOOD NEWS! (Well, not THE good news, but the "for now" good news!!

Got a letter in the mail today (after a crazy day at work -- it was just what I needed!) that says, in part:
"CONGRATULATIONS on your home study approval! ... Your portfolio has been sent to our main office and you are officially in the book of waiting families.  Your only job or project at this point is to wait for a call saying that you have been picked.  That may happen sooner than you think, but it is always best to be prepared for a long wait."
And we have a nice, suitable-for-framing, certificate from the state saying we have "been found to be in substantial compliance with Ch. DCF 56 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code" and are "licensed to conduct and maintain a foster home at [our home] address..."!!  This is a requirement for our adoption process, which I think I've mentioned already.   I'll probably just add it to my file of state licenses, although I do have a nice frame on my desk that I was going to put DS' school picture in . . . ;)

YAY!!!  In a move totally against our "we need to eat out less often and save more money" declaration, DH and I are going out to supper tonight to celebrate.  And then we're going to clean ditches with the boy's confirmation class.  And I'm going to work on NOT freaking out every time the phone rings.  :)

*deep, cleansing, 'be patient, Grasshopper' breaths in . . . and out*

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