Murphy's Law typically states, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."
Muphry's Law, in comparison, tells us that "If you write anything criticizing editing or proofreading, there will be a fault of some kind in what you have written."
Other proven yet relatively insignificant facts: the day we leave to go out of town, a property will come up for sale that meets our criteria and we will miss out on it because we will be out of town. This happened last month when we went to the Black Hills, and also last week when we went to Memphis.,
Oh, well. The hubby and I both have a strong conviction that if it doesn't happen, it wasn't meant to be. In regards to lots of things, but I'm primarily speaking about the house-hunting thing here. So when we get that call (figuratively speaking) two hours before our scheduled appointment, letting us know the showing has been cancelled because the sellers accepted another offer, that means it wasn't meant to be. We don't know why, but it wasn't. Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do and die.
We looked at two houses this week. One of them was, well, it looked better online than it did in person. Although it was mighty interesting in person as well. I've learned something about myself on this house search -- I want to live in an interesting house. I discovered this when I was trying to describe to a friend why I wasn't enthused about a particular house that looked good "on paper" but I just wasn't really excited about the possibility of making an offer on -- it was just a boring house. I don't want to live in a boring house for the rest of my life. Or ever.
I think that's my problem with apartments, too. I've only lived in one apartment in my life (not counting the one we lived in temporarily in Illinois when I was pregnant with Stone, because Peder needed a place to live while working and house-hunting and I still lived and worked in St. Paul) and the layout was exactly the same as every other apartment in the building. And it was boring. You just can't get creative with three rooms. Here's the living room, here's the kitchen/dining room, here's the bedroom. Wow! So exciting. But I knew I wouldn't be living there forever and it was only $385 per month (which was still a good portion of my income back in 1994...) so, whatever. I like houses with character.
The first house we looked at this week definitely had character. It definitely needed some interior updating (of the decorating type) but for most of the showing we were like -- OK, we could work with this. Then we got to the basement. Not the interesting finished basement with the wood paneling and brick fireplace that had a Very Brady feel, but the cave basement like the one we have. It was a lot like our current basement. In fact, it was a lot like our current basement was during the Flood of 2020. (Side note: we have since installed a sump pump in our basement and it has remained dry, never mind the fact that we are in a drought...) OK, slight exaggeration. But it did have a nice water feature that wasn't advertised. I was bummed, because that was a Definite No. It was about that time I admitted to myself that I'd been ignoring the smell of mold that permeated the house. Denial ain't just a river!
But the second house we looked at...I don't want to say much about it yet because we're making an offer on it and I don't want to jinx anything. Because even though I do believe in faith and destiny, I'm also still very superstitious about certain things. And I also tend to get my hopes up very easily and even though I'm telling myself right now that I'll be alright if this doesn't go through, I know I'll be bummed. Anyway...keep your fingers crossed for us if you would, please, okay? At one point in my life I would've been like, oh my gosh I am going to just DIE if we don't get this house!! But right now I'm like, I would love to get this house and I really hope we get it but if we don't...we'll keep looking. I won't die. Life will go on.
Fingers. Crossed.
There is at least one other offer on it already. The sellers are reviewing the offers on Monday morning.
Anyway, so we went to Memphis last week. Graceland was even more amazing than I thought it would be! We also went to Tupelo, which is where Elvis was born, and saw his birthplace. As in the actual home where he was born. But if you're FB friends with me, you've seen all the pics already -- or you have access to the pics, anyway. I have to say, one of the coolest things EVER for me was when we were touring Sun Studios (where Elvis got his start, but also the site of so many other cool things) in the very same recording studio where Elvis recorded "That's Alright," and the tour guide played the actual song...y'all, I got goosebumps and watery eyes. It was the most incredible experience. To be in the very same room where that song was recorded, and to be listening to it... I was so geeked out after that! OK, I was geeked out the day before that when we toured Graceland, because we had the VIP tour so we got to see his cars and motorcycles and all kinds of cool stuff. We were there for about six hours.
Alright, I just got word that our realtor sent some papers over for us to look at and approve. AAAHHHHH! Here we go on a ride I thought I'd never be taking again. Wish us luck!
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