Sunday, September 12, 2021

lim·bo /ˈlimbō/

From the world according to Wikipedia:
In Catholic theology, Limbo (Latin limbus, edge or boundary, referring to the edge of Hell) is the viewpoint concerning the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the Damned.
From the world according to me, employing both poetic license and selective usage after reading the above: Yes, I definitely feel like I'm in the Hell of the Damned.

Our offer has been submitted.  The sellers are going to review all offers tomorrow after 9am.  I have so many questions...

* What does "after 9am" mean, exactly? Does that mean 9:01am, or noon, or Tuesday?

* How many other offers are there? I know there is at least one, put in before ours.  How many other offers could possibly have gone in after ours?  The property showed up on one of the real estate sites as a "hot property"; why? Is that because a lot of people have clicked on their link (and if so, how many of those were me?!)?  If each showing takes one hour, and they had non-stop showings all day Saturday and today, and every showing resulted in an offer, how many possible offers are we talking about?!

* I mean, it's probably unlikely that they had non-stop showings all day Saturday and today, right? And that every single showing resulted in an offer.  Surely, not every one who looked at it thought it would be the ideal place for them.  

* Why are the sellers going to wait until tomorrow at 9am? Why wouldn't they look tonight? There probably aren't any more showings tonight.  I'd want to get a head start on that. They're probably as eager to sell the place as any potential buyers are to buy it.  

* What if they don't accept our offer? Would they counter it, or just flat-out refuse it?

* What if they DO accept our offer??

* What if they accept none of the offers?

I feel like Schroedinger's Cat right now.  Our decision has been made, the offer is put out there, there is nothing to do but wait. And pray.  I'm not praying that we get accepted, I'm praying that God's will is done and that He gives me the strength to accept His will.  Mostly the latter ;).  I'm praying that He helps me stay calm and realize that if it doesn't work out according to our plan, it's because He has a reason and a better plan in store for us.  Not my will, but His.  

But it is so difficult to not think about or talk about things like, how should we do this or that?  Where should we put this? What should we put there?  Things like that have been on the tip of my tongue all day, but I won't let myself say them because I don't know if the offer is accepted or not.  Every now and then, pre-planning thoughts about packing and preparing for moving come up -- but I don't know what to do with those plans yet.  We're in limbo.  In a few weeks, we'll close on our current house and we may or may not have an idea where we'll be living next.  

I am not a patient person.  Read the first part of this blog from way back when if you don't believe me.

So I am trying my best not to think about the fact that our future is currently relying on some very nice people I don't even know personally (even though I've looked carefully at nearly every corner of their home) to decide whether or not they like the conditions which we set forth and offered to them in exchange for the purchase of their home.  NO BIG DEAL, RIGHT?!?!

Uggggggggg hashtag adulting is hard dot com.

I'm going to bed. TTYL!

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