. . . exactly as stated: no news.
The end!
Sometimes I feel like posting a long, blank entry, just to give you an idea of how waiting feels: like a blank page just waiting to be filled. Believe me, I wish I had more to write about on a daily or otherwise more-often-than-I-have-been basis. I suppose I could write about the so-called "rest of our lives", i.e. how life is going on despite (or maybe in spite of?) the fact that we're waiting patiently for a call that hasn't come yet. But since you're probably reading this from the link I'll be posting on my Facebook page shortly, you probably already have a good idea of what's been happening. :) And, it's been effectively keeping my mind off of The Big Wait, most of the time. Which is good -- not like you need me to point that out to you -- but if I had nothing to do but sit around and wait, I'd be waiting from the Funny Farm right now, trying to type with my feet since my hands would be bound in a straight jacket.
But, I digress!!
I love it when people tell me that they've had dreams about our future addition! I should have started keeping a tally of boy dreams vs. girl dreams. :) Or twins vs. singletons. :O Hahaha! I certainly am not going to rely on the "hidden messages" in my own dreams -- they're as confusing as anything. This week, the baby I dreamt of was a girl. Last week, a boy. The week before that, a teenager. My dreams are inundated with different ways of us having another child, as they have been for as long as I can remember, only this time I don't feel sad when I awaken and realize it was just a dream; this time it gives me a sense of inner happiness because I know that, one day, it will be true.
Operation: Lactation Initiation continues on a slow but steady path. Last week I didn't pump for pretty much the whole week, as I was busy with work and then out of town with DS' high school marching band, and at this point I'm not so dedicated that I'm pumping around the clock or no matter where we are, yet. I do try to keep a regular schedule when I'm at home and it's convenient. This week I've been pretty consistent most days. There's still not enough to nourish a tiny new human, but there's more than there was last week!
Other than that, life goes on. Every time the phone rings and the caller ID comes up with "Unknown Number", I hope that it's The Call and not another political call . . . but so far I've been wrong, every single time. My heart doesn't even skip a beat when the phone rings anymore. I guess that's one way of teaching me to be patient!
Last weekend, while riding across the great state of Wisconsin on a coach bus, I found myself scanning the vast landscape before me and wondering where she is . . . our birthmom. We passed so many towns, it was easy to imagine that she's out there somewhere.
In our adoption education class, we were warned (for lack of a better word) that once word got out, we'd start hearing from all kinds of well-intentioned people about someone knowing someone who has a neighbor or a cousin or a niece who is pregnant and wants to give her baby up for adoption. Well, so far I've only heard two such stories. It gives me hope -- not that we'll find our birthmom through that method, but it gives me hope that there will be someone out there who decides to place her child with an adoptive family instead of parenting or having an abortion.
That's about all I've got for now. Thank you for the prayers, and please keep them coming!! Until next time, whenever that may be . . .