Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Day 3 and I still can't find my pants...

(BTW, it's called "poetic license". I know where my pants are now. 😌)

Don't take flat surfaces for granted.  Without the luxury of furniture in our new home, useful flat surfaces can be hard to come by.  This became especially apparent this morning, my first day working from home in the new digs.

I feel I should preface this by pointing out that I/we will have a dedicated home office space.  Someday.  Actually, the hubby is painting said space right now, and there's a stack of IKEA boxes in the middle of the room, and my intended new desk is hopefully on the shelf at the store waiting to be purchased and brought home.  

Which is good, because the only sufficient flat surface I could find this morning was the bay window in the living room.  The window where most of my plants are housed right now, because the plant stand is still at the old house, and other than than, I haven't figured out where to put any of them yet.  Thankfully, yesterday the hubby brought some chairs (including my office chair) over from the old house, otherwise I'd probably be working from bed or the floor today.  So yes, I pulled my office chair up to the bay window, and here I am.  

I really cannot complain, though.  It's a lovely view.  Beside the fact that I'm surrounded by plants (which is a good thing), the view from my "desk" today is the woods in front of our house.  Even though the trees are bare (except, of course, the six little pine trees on the other side of the driveway) it's still calming and peaceful.  This morning I got to watch three blue jays flitting about in the leaves and in the trees, and the occasional squirrel or two gathering acorns.  It's official -- I'm a freaking Disney princess.  Bippity boppity boo!

Nah, but things are going as well as can be so far.  We're figuring out where things should go, and trying to remember where they went after we put them away, and rebuilding our supply of food and dishes and towels.  We left a lot of stuff behind for the boy in the old house, so win-win-win because it meant we had less to move, the boy has a nice "starter" base, and we get to buy NEW STUFF!!  I'm not usually a "new stuff" kind of person, but setting up a new house with new stuff can be fun!

Oh yeah, and that's the reason we don't have living room or dining room furniture yet.  We left that at the old house, because it fit the old house, and we didn't have to move it, and the boy needed that stuff anyway.  We haven't figured out what "look" we want for the living room yet, exactly, so haven't begun furniture shopping in earnest yet.  Thankfully, the internet is good for window shopping, and figuring out what you DON'T want is just as important as knowing what you do want. 

Alright, I gotta let the pupper outside and then get back to work. Toodles!


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