Wednesday, March 24, 2021


We had a staff meeting during lunch today so I'm taking a few minutes now to write before I get back to work.  

It's a cold, dreary day in Minnesconsinland today.  I'm working at home, under my favorite WFH blanket (it's actually a fleece quillow I made many many moons ago -- it's perfect because I use the pocket for my feet). I'm so cold today, I broke down and made a pot of coffee.  This is when I miss the boy the most; when I have to drink a whole pot of coffee by myself.  

Yes, the boy's employer decided (the way he tells it) that COVID doesn't exist anymore, so they all had to go back to WFW full-time.  No more of this WFH every other week thing.  I kinda miss having him around all day every other week.  It was nice to know someone else would be here if I wasn't.

Let's see if I can write this without crying.  :)  I always felt so incredibly guilty about leaving the dogs home alone for so long during the day once I got the job I have now.  Because even thought the hubby and I work slightly different schedules, there were still times when they'd be home alone for 8, 9, 10 hours at once.  Or more.  I can't tell you how happy I am that I got to spend the last six months of Luger's life home with him most of the time.  ...nope, didn't make it without crying.  And it's not just that I miss that dog.  Those last three days were horrible, horrible days. For him. For me. For all of us.  It was like, from a certain point everything just kept getting worse and worse and worse and when you thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, it got way worse.  Like, I wouldn't have even thought it could get that bad and I've been around dogs all my life and I'm going to change the subject now because I'm going to start ugly crying soon and no one wants that.

I'm obviously not ready to talk about it yet.

I like to crochet. I'm on a sweater and shawl kick lately.  Last night I started my first "Lost Souls" shawl -- you know, the one that has skulls all over it?  But I'm making it in prettiful, bright colors because why not?!  We'll see how it turns out.  Like I said, I just started it last night.  I was starting to get the hang of the pattern, but it still takes a while, and I get impatient sometimes.  But I do want to make things that require more skill than repeating a double crochet stitch 168 times, then turning and doing the same thing over and over and over again.  Anyhoo, I think it'll look cool when it's done, and I might even try to sell it.  I'm on a couple of crochet groups on FB and people are always talking about selling their stuff, and I always think, I could do that.  Not enough to quit my day job or anything, but enough to, you know, buy more yarn or something.  It gives me an excuse to buy pretty yarn and make pretty things and then not feel bad for not wearing it.  I just don't want to take special orders anymore.  That sucks all the fun right out of it, honestly -- making something because I "HAVE" to.  

Anyway. I should get back to work.  Darn MPIP won't report itself.


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