Monday, July 18, 2022

It's like a heat wave!

I just went to Google, searched on "current temperature in [name of my town]", then went to Images, and this is the first picture that came up.  

I don't understand how a cute little tiny baby deer standing on wood chips is supposed to portray how hot it is right now, but I don't feel like digging any further, so, there ya go.  It's so hot that little tiny baby deer (yes, I know they're called fawns) would apparently prefer to stand on wood chips than blacktop.  I wouldn't blame them.  It's hot.  According to the WeatherBug app on my phone, it's currently 91ºF outside but feels like 91ºF.  

I'll take their word for it. I'm currently working from home inside, where the thermostat is set to 78ºF which might sound hot but it actually doesn't feel hot.  I don't have the data to back this up, but I'd say it feels about 72ºF in here.  But that's literally just my word.  I'm sitting at the computer desk wearing shorts and a t-shirt and not sweating.  Max is sleeping on the floor in front of the fan and not panting.  We're good.

You know what's weird about COVID? Or should I say, post-COVID?  Sometimes everything smells the same, just in varying degrees.  This morning when I woke up, I could smell popcorn.  Not buttery hot yummy popcorn, but just plain, white popcorn with maybe a hint of salt.  I don't know how else to describe it.  I wasn't anywhere near food at the time.  It wasn't overwhelming or bothersome, it was just like -- oh, I smell popcorn. How interesting.  It varied in intensity for a bit, and now I just noticed that it's gone. I don't smell anything now.  

Sometimes I smell the correct things for a short time. Yesterday we were driving around in the rain and I could suddenly smell the wet earth. It was actually amazing!  It reminded me of how frustrated I was when we went camping Memorial Day weekend, and I couldn't smell the campfire. One of the simple joys of camping -- one of the simple joys of living, is the smell of wood smoke.  Anyway, for about 10 seconds I could smell rich, earthy, damp soil, and it made me feel alive and renewed, and then it went away.  

On Saturday, the hubby was frying fish on the back deck.  I couldn't smell a dang thing.  I sat about 10 feet away (or less) and could not smell a single solitary thing at all.  I'm not complaining about this one, I just like to prove that it's not such a bad thing sometimes.  Hee hee hee!

Also on Saturday morning, everything smelled citrus-like, for no apparent reason.  We don't have any citrus fruit in the house, no citrus-scented soaps or anything like that.  It was there for a while, varying in intensity, and I went to several different places Saturday morning where there were several different smells but all I could smell was citrus.  Until I couldn't smell anything anymore.

What the heck is going on in my brain!?!?

Anyway, I had my annual physical last week. I'm overall pretty healthy, at least according to my blood work. My lipid panel, hepatic panel, CBC, CMP, and A1C were all normal (except my fasting glucose level which has been annoyingly mildly elevated for the past few years).  My BP was even textbook normal, 120/80 on the dot.  :D  

Alright, time to get back to work.  TTFN!


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