Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Welcome to my world!


I know y'all've just been dying to see pics of our new place.  Well, here you go! (Gosh, I love the internet, specifically Google Maps with Lot Lines, sometimes.) 

Here is our new (to us) home sweet home, all 7.87 acres of it. I generally just round that number up to 8, if anyone asks.  Ain't she a beaut?!  Trust me...we looked at a LOT of places this summer, and yes, she is a beaut.  😂 

So, do you see the tree line that runs approximately down the center of our land?  Where it's brown on one side (left/west) and green on the other (right/east)?  Yeah, I haven't even stepped foot on the westernmost part, anything past that tree line, yet.  I lovingly refer to everything beyond the trees as "The Back 4".  👍  That, my friends, is marshland.  Did you know that the basic difference between marshland and swamp is that swamps are predominantly forested?  So sayeth National Geographic.  Looking at the above pic, I definitely wouldn't call that "predominantly" forested.  Also, the area on the far left of the pic is the DNR*-owned Cylon Marshland Wildlife Area (CMWA).  I think the brownish areas on the northwestern and southwestern blocks of this Tetris map are also DNR land, but I'd have to go look at some other maps to be sure, and I don't feel like doing that right now.  

*That's "Department of Natural Resources", yo, not to be confused with "do not resuscitate".

My point is that the land behind our Back 4, and much of the land surrounding us, is public land.  At first, I was like...ewwww, "the public"!  I don't want them traipsing around behind my backyard, especially with guns!  But that was followed shortly by -- Cool!  We have access to hundreds of acres beyond our backyard!  According to the DNR website, the CMWA is 507 acres in all.  And we can use it all we want!  And we only have to maintain our little drop in the bucket!! 

I love living in the country.  I really do.  I always knew in my heart that I wouldn't live in the city all my life.  Weird, eh?  I was born and raised in the city, and by "in the city" I don't mean one of the neat outer suburbs with strategically-placed man-made green spaces, I mean The Inner City.  We had exactly one tree in our yard (and it's still there) and I used to pretend it was part of a forest.  Long before I realized I'm an introvert, I dreamed of living in a magical land where our neighbor's house wasn't two feet away and I could step outside and not feel like I had an audience, where we'd be surrounded by trees and have actual natural green space that wasn't planned out by the Parks Department, and trees that were free to grow as much as they wanted and not have to worry about being cut down when they got too big because their roots were disrupting the sidewalks.  17 years ago we made that dream come true when we moved to the little farm, and you know what?  You couldn't pay me to move back to the city.  I'd go nuts.  It's the place I was born, but it is NOT my home.  

And yes...one of my favorite stories when I was little was "Country Mouse, City Mouse".  LMAO

Anyway, there's your first glance at Chez Nous.  Unless you're friends with me on FB and have already seen some of the pics I've posted there, anyway.  Mostly those are pics from the online listing before we closed, with some random sunset pics thrown in for good measure. I've taken some "before" and "during" pics of some of the rooms that we're fixing up, but haven't posted them yet.  

Ooooh, that reminds me!  We're finally getting furniture!  I know nine days without furniture doesn't seem like a long time, but when you come home from a long day at work, or have spent the day moving and you're tired and just want to settle down onto a comfortable couch or cushy chair and chill in your living room for a while, nine days without a couch seems like forever.  (And the reason we don't have furniture yet is because we left most of it at the old house, because we're nice parents like that, and also because we wanted to get new furniture anyway.)  We picked out a couch, loveseat, chair, and ottoman this weekend and they will be delivered next week.  And, we also finally found a dining room set (table, chairs, hutch and buffet) that we agreed on; the hubby and the son are supposed to go pick those up tonight after work.  But, as too many well-laid plans made anytime between October and March are wont to do, those plans may be postponed tonight due to the weather.  It's cold here right now (I almost wrote "really freaking cold" but nah, it's still above zero so it hasn't reached "really freaking cold" stage yet) and ever-so-lightly snowing, and it may or may not get worse in the short-term, so...we shall see.  

Any and all plans made in the Midwest between October and March are subject to change due to weather, no questions asked.  We invented "always have a back-up plan". 

March might even be cutting it too soon. 

Alright.  Well, thanks again for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoy writing it, but I kinda doubt that's possible.  Adios, amigos!  

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