Not really, I'm just going with the first song that comes to mind, otherwise I'll just sit here wasting precious time trying to think of a title. My lunch break is only so long, you know. (BTW, that's a reference to the Bananarama song. I didn't think I needed to point that out until I went to find an image and Googled "cruel summer" and learned that it's apparently a show or something? Hi. I live in a cave where I don't stay on top of what's popular in entertainment.)
And today's photo cred goes to ME, thank you very much. I purposely put the sun in the corner because when I was little, that's how I drew pictures. The sun was always in the corner. It was generally more in the corner than this one is, but give me a break, I was literally looking directly at the sun to get this shot. I risked blindness just to get this shot, so I could make this joke about how I used to draw pictures. Yellow sun in the corner (usually with a smiley face, and fancy sunbeams, depending on what else was in the pictures), blue sky, and green grass. This is the foundation of most of my childhood illustrations, in reality, right here. Too bad there wasn't a square house with a door and a window on the first floor and two windows on the second floor, with a triangle roof and a chimney that always had smoke coming out of it, two REALLY TALL flowers next to it (one tulip and one rose -- or if I was feeling fancy, maybe a daisy too), a dog house, and maybe a car and some people.
My illustrations improved, eventually. Once I learned how to draw horses. Although 99% of the horses I drew were facing left. (Their right, my left.) I don't really know why, but that's how it was. That's the near side, you know. That's probably why they all faced that way. When I was little, I read everything I could get my hands on about horses, and since everything I read said the near side was the side horses were supposed to be lead from, I guess it only made sense that I drew them from that perspective.
Crazy. I sat down here having no idea what I was going to ramble about, and now I find myself analyzing drawing habits I developed as an, I don't know, 6-7- 8-year-old? You just never know how my mind will roam.
You know what I've never been good at, though? Coloring. I just don't have the patience. I remember one time in kindergarten, we had to color a circle and I had to re-do it because it was too messy. On one hand, I was horrified because an authority figure was dissatisfied with me; but mostly I was annoyed because I didn't see the point of coloring a circle, and it took so much fricking time to sit and carefully stay inside the lines, and dammit I had better things to do. If they wanted a blue circle, why didn't they just draw it on blue paper and cut it out, instead of drawing it on white paper and coloring it?!
As a kid, we had coloring books. Of course we did, everyone did. I'd find a picture I liked, and start coloring it, and then get bored real quick and go do something else. I might go back and finish it later, I might not. I probably didn't. My Mom probably ended up throwing away lots of coloring books with partially finished pictures on my account.
So I was as surprised as anyone when the "adult" coloring craze hit a few years ago, and I ended up with a few books along the way. I guess I forgot that I don't have the patience for coloring. I guess I thought maybe it'd be something to just poke along at, bit by bit, or something to work on when I was on the night shift. (Yeah, because I had LOTS of patience then!) I don't know. I've tried it a few times. I still don't have the patience or interest to sit down and color a whole picture at once, but I can do a little bit now and then. I'm more of a doodler. You should see the pad of paper I keep by my phone. I can hardly talk on the phone without scribbling on paper. Usually it's pertinent notes, but if the conversation turns to things I don't need to write down, I'll just doodle.
Oh, well. Speaking of taking notes and talking on the phone, I should get back to work. TTFN!
Love your ramblings!! Thanks!