Why don't auto body shops do that?
This morning at 0730, I dropped my beloved Specific Blue Beauty off at a collision center I'd never heard of until last week. I handed the nice man my key fob, and a nice girl in a minivan picked me up to drive me to the rental car place a few blocks away and . . . I want to know what's going on now. Oh, I know what they told me happens now: they disassemble my car to look for internal damage (pretty sure they didn't say "internal damage" but I'm a medical person, so get over it) and then repair it and bill my insurance company and then they let me know when it's done and I go back and pick up my pretty new Specific Blue Beauty that will have a new grill and new trim pieces in the front and probably a new front clip, too. The nice man also said they could probably buff out the scratches in my driver's side door, which have nothing at all to do with the deer accident. He's my new best friend. JK.
But I want to know what it's doing right now. It was cold and dark and lonely when I left it there in the parking lot this morning. My rental car is a 2022 Toyota Corolla. I'm not a fan of Toyotas, or cars, so I'd like to have my Equinox back as soon as possible, please and thank you. I haven't even figured out how to plug my phone into this car yet, which is important because I'm at a really important part of the audiobook I'm currently into and the fact that I didn't get to listen to it on the way home really made me sad. I mean, not sad enough to sit in the parking lot and figure it out before I left, just a little bummed.
Oh, and the rental car has Florida plates. Are you kidding me? It was -18ºF when I drove that little thing home this morning. Nothing sticks out in winter weather in the Midwest like a car with Florida plates. Looking like I don't belong here, driving a car I'm not familiar with yet...yay. No wonder the car didn't have a heated steering wheel or heated seats. It's from Florida.
That's all I got right now. TTYL.
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