Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?

This morning, I woke up at, IDK, 5am or so.  Which isn't unusual, because once the hubby's alarm goes off at 4am or so, I tend not to sleep very soundly.  (Notice I said "I woke up", not "I got up".  BIG difference.)

But instead of going back to sleep, I played on my phone.  Again, that's not so unusual, either.  Although it was a bit unusual for today; typically on days when I have to go to the office, I'll play on my phone from 0500-0530 or whenever I can drag my tired self out of bed.  On days when I'm working from home, if I wake up at 0500, I'll turn off the alarm and go back to sleep.

Today I'm working from home.

So I played on the phone for a bit, until I was bored with that, then looked at the time.  It was 0515.

I honestly contemplated getting out of bed.  THAT would have been highly unusual.  I still kind of wish I would've done it, anyway.

So I tried to go back to sleep. HA!  That didn't happen.  What happened was this weird conglomeration of my imagination and the news, which actually happens pretty frequently and is quite amusing.  This morning there was a piece on the news about how part of Paul Bunyan's arm fell off, or something, and they had to put it in a sling until it can be fixed.  That's all I remember.  I'm guessing the story was referring to (hold on, let me fire up Google so I don't mess this up) the Paul Bunyan statue in Bemidji, because of course it was.  It didn't fall off, it's broken.  Anyway, in my dream state, the news story showed his arm on someone's lawn, under 10 feet of water.  Oh, I remember thinking, it's flooding in Brrr-midji.  (No, I didn't spell that wrong; I pronounce it "Brrr-midji" to be funny, because it's cold up there.  And because other people like to put the "r" sound in places it doesn't belong, like "warsh," so why not?)  Also in my dream state, I heard the nice news anchorman say they propped his arm up with a swing so he can still be on display until his arm can be fixed, and I thought, Well that's dumb, kids are going to want to swing on that and get hurt. Can't they come up with a better fix than a swingset?  

In my case you didn't read my last entry, I have an ear infection and can't hear so well right now.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Anyhoo...I was relieved to hear later that it's a SLING and not a swing, and that Brrr-midji isn't flooded, after all.  

My point was that I held off as long as I could but I was out of bed and downstairs cleaning the house by 0700.  I didn't intend to clean that early; I intended to start work.  But before I came downstairs, I started some laundry and decided to bring down the load of kitchen rugs and towels that's been up there forever (since I mopped the kitchen floors yesterday) and while I was putting the rugs down I decided to clean the stove top, and the door of the oven, and while doing so I got the rug in front of the oven dirty so I went outside to shake it off and came back inside and had to sweep the floor again, too, and before I knew it I was tidying up and I just couldn't stop.  

Yes, the word "manic" crosses my mind sometimes. gets so nice and tidied and cleaned and organized when I'm like this.  Seriously.  There were three empty cardboard boxes next to my desk. I don't know why.  OK, I do know why -- I was saving them because I was going to maybe use them to ship things.  What kind of things?  Well, I'm making some shawls for people, I could maybe use them for that.  At least, that's what I thought a few months ago when I put the boxes there.  Today I looked at them and said, Nope.  To Recycling!!  For one thing, they're all beat up.  For another, it's not as though it's difficult to find shipping containers when needed.  And that one little bit of uncluttering makes me feel So! Much! Better!!  

So I've been spending my breaks today whipping things back into shape.  Watering plants, moving things around, decluttering, reorganizing.  Claiming my home back again.  Making it the nice, organized, sanctuary where I like to spend my time instead of the overwhelming collection of crap that I genuinely want to sort through but don't know where to start.

I love having the energy and focus to take care of things.  To be able to look at something, like a stack of empty fricking boxes, and say No, I don't need those. They must leave my house.  I'm not saying I buy into the whole "sparking joy" thing, but there's a sliver of something there.  I can definitely attest that the state of my house correlates with the state of my mind/mental health.  And both are quickly improving and becoming something I'm almost proud to call my own again.

Gotta get back to work!  TTYL

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