Monday, August 1, 2022

Wake me up when September ends-- oh, that's NEXT month. Sorry.


August makes me sad. I don't want summer to be almost over!  July needs to march itself right back here and stick around a while longer, I tell you what.  I went to one of the local artsy-craftsy boutique-type places this weekend and while I was utterly delighted that the summer décor stuff was on sale (because that's what I was there to purchase), I wasn't ready to face the onslaught of fall décor yet.  I'm not ready for pumpkins and colorful leaves and apple cider and sweaters!  It's NOT fall, y'all!  It's still very much summer (it's supposed to be in the 90's this week, thank you very much) so I'm just going to pretend I didn't see all that other crap yet.  Fall will be in October.  It's barely August.  Hold your dang horses.

And before you start telling me that autumn technically starts in September: I know, I know.  But September is my birthday month and out of respect thereof, we shan't mention such things.  Capisce?

I took the hummingbird feeder down last week to clean and refill it, and haven't put it back up yet, and I swear they know.  Two times now, as I've been sitting here in my office on the computer, a hummingbird has come up to the window, hovered there for a few seconds as if looking in at me, and then flown away.  I should note that the window I'm sitting at is not the window where the feeder is usually located, and that I have never seen hummingbirds at this window before, either.  

Next year I need to get shepherd's hooks or something to get the bird feeder (the one that holds bird seed, not the hummingbird feeder) farther away from the house, though. To keep the deer from eating the hostas that are closer to the house.  Did I tell you?  I planted some hostas around the one tree in the yard, because I love the way it looks when there is a ring of hostas around a tree so I started a "ring" with like two hostas around one of the smaller trees in the back yard.  Anyway, that turned out to be a bad idea because the deer ate the hostas.  At first I was like -- Oh well, they ate the leaves, but it should still come back next year.  But do you know what those dang forest rats did?  They dug up those hostas and ate the roots and everything.  So no, the new hostas won't come back next year.  !!!!  Except the new striped ones I planted in the front yard next to the trees by the driveway.  For some reason, those are invisible to deer (so far).  And the ones I planted out in the front by the road by the fire sign, I'm pretty sure they ate those, too.  So what I've learned this year is, if I'm going to plant more hostas, I have to protect them from the deer.  There's not much room left to put them right by the house.  IDK.  I'll think on it and see.  

We planted some lilac trees, too, and I'm really hoping those take!  Otherwise I haven't really done much gardening-wise this year, just kind of watched to see what's come up and where.  We had a bunch of asparagus but by the time we realized it, it was too late.  (Did you know asparagus can get to be 6-8 feet tall?!)  We have a whole bunch of berries out there that I'm watching closely because I do love me some berries (raspberry and blackberry), but there are so many birds and deer that I don't think I'll get to them before they do.  

And...this is about what I've been up to lately.  Trying to identify plants and trees around our place, trying to keep up with housework (actually doing pretty well on that front!), working -- sometimes from home, sometimes making the trek to the office for the day.  I've discovered the absolute joy that is listening to audiobooks 😍 Yes, I'm a little late to the game sometimes!  I actually don't know why I didn't try this sooner, other than the fact that I just really, really love music.  It's not that I don't like books -- I do!  I love reading, and I've missed it, I just worried that it would be too distracting to listen to a good story while driving.  It's not.  I mean, I did try listening to some lectures on neuroscience and those are maybe not good to listen to while driving, because I did end up rewinding a lot when I missed an important part when traffic got bad or something.  But stories like the one I'm currently listening to (Where the Crawdads Sing) seem to be ideal. 

Alright, I suppose I should grab something to eat and then get back to work.  TTYL!